Colife began with the idea that if there was a way that we could make it easy for people to find the right person, and trust could be established, more people would be interested in co-living for the financial and community benefits.

We match quality, vetted renters with homeowners based on financial and lifestyle preferences. 

The CoLife platform is a two-sided market, similar to AirBnB or Uber.

Renters (guests) and homeowners (Hosts) fill out the submission form on the website, inputting budget, neighborhood, pets or no pets, lifestyle preferences, etc.

CoLife's Home Guide team (predominantly social workers) reviews each application and sends the approved applicants their matches for free.

When the matched host and guest are ready to move forward, we do a credit check as well as a background check on both the host and the guest.

After the guest and host meet and approve the match, they’ll each pay a one-time transaction fee to CoLife.

In the United States in the last fifty years, homes have nearly doubled in size. Meanwhile, we’re building half as many homes as we were fifty years ago so housing prices have skyrocketed.

CoLife offers rent prices for 50-60% less than the average. It's furnished - no moving hassle or costly furniture to buy, flexible - no yearly lease, and both host and guest get an automatic friend.

80% of our guests are moving from city to city and the power user is a female between the ages of 23 and 35.

Higher property prices, increased student loan and debt, and fewer affordable housing options have increased the age of a first-time homeowner and created a need for moderately priced options for younger adults.

Realtors can be pricey, and Craigslist and Facebook carry the high risk of scam and financial loss.

Additionally, impersonal services like these pose the risk of moving into an unsafe atmosphere or with someone you don’t feel comfortable around.

On the other side, isolation is America’s greatest health risk.

A large percentage of our homeowners use CoLife not only for the extra money, but for increased human connection and having someone around.

Homeowners are often older, retired, and may have few family connections close by.

Co-living through CoLife connects people of all ages and backgrounds in meaningful and lasting friendships.

COVID-19 further diminished human connection within our communities, creating a dearth of safe options for human interaction and emotional wellbeing.

Our mission is to bring a compassionate living system - that's used around the world today - to our communities here in the United States. 

Our investors have set confident goals for the last two quarters based on current growth.

We're seeking marketing and public relations volunteers who wish to work in community enrichment to expand our outreach and successfully meet our directives during this period.

We are open to any initiatives submissions and welcome the opportunity to grow together.


Emerge Institute


Chair The Hope