Chair The Hope is a non-profit devoted to raising funds for new wheelchairs and their delivery to millions of people in need around the world.

Our mission is to inspire hope and improve the quality of life through the gift of mobility.

We are looking for volunteers who can support us creating our growth strategy and developing our project management, so we can be more efficient, and exponentially increase our impact.

For each person who receives a wheelchair, it provides hope and freedom to a human being who was previously unable to live with basic life functions such as getting out of bed, going to the kitchen to eat, going outside to play, going to school or work.

From children to adults, these are people of value to our communities and global economies.

In addition, their family members and community are also given hope for a better quality of life.

We invite you to join us in our mission to change 1 million lives and their families around the world.

In 2018 and 2019, Chair the Hope delivered over 2000 new wheelchairs to people who did not have one.





The Black Excellence Network